Absence & Leave

Flexible Shift Booking for Healthcare Needs

Shift vacancies are inevitable, but managing them shouldn’t be a hassle. JMS-One’s booking system makes it easy to find the right staff, fast in line with CQC reg 18

Custom Vacancy Alerts for Last-Minute Shifts

Notify staff instantly about available shifts. JMS-One ensures your vacancies are filled quickly, even at the last minute.

Automate Shift Reposting to Save Time

Set it and forget it! JMS-One automatically reposts unfilled shifts, saving you valuable time and effort.

Fill Vacancies Quickly and Efficiently

With real-time alerts and an intuitive booking interface, JMS-One ensures your care home never operates short-staffed.


Click question for answers !

Employees can submit leave requests through JMS-One, and managers can approve them instantly, all within the platform.

Yes! JMS-One adapts to your business’s leave policies, whether it’s holidays, sick leave, or other absence types.

Of course! JMS-One automatically calculates and updates leave balances for all employees.